The Quick Fix
This service is for current clients only, both children and adults.
As one of my clients, you have learned many effective tools for self-care for yourself and your family. You are in between sessions and you, or a family member falls ill or has an emotional upset. I can create a home program to easily alleviate the distress you are experiencing.
Examples where you might use this service:
- You or a family member come down with a cold or the flu.
- Something you ate has upset your stomach and you are spending a lot of time in the bathroom.
- You have a splitting headache.
- You are trying to meet a deadline or are juggling too many balls and you feel overwhelmed.
- You get some upsetting news that is creating emotional distress.
- You’ve taken a fall and are now mending from a fracture.
- Etc.
How this works
Book a Quick Fix session. I will create a protocol specific to both you (or the family member) and your condition. You will receive your therapy program including supporting documents within hours of booking the session or, at the latest, by the end of the day. Receive one of two updates at no extra cost. The updates will take place between 2 days and one week of the initial consultation.
Fee: $25.00