Course Intake Form – Braingym Plus Course Intake Form: Braingym Plus PERSONAL INFORMATION First Name Last Name Address City Postal Code Daytime Phone (and/or) Cell Phone Email address Profession OccupationEmployer City Country Referral How did you find out about these services? Prior Training Do you have prior training in Brain Gym®, specialized kinesiology or other movement based or brain-based programs? Please explain. Work Setting These questions pertain to the target group for the Braingym Plus program: If you work with more than one group, identify each group by a name or number. This will allow us to develop programs specific to each group. Please describe your work environment by answering the questions below. Include any pertinent information about the population you are working with. For each group, please include the following: o size of group o ages o frequency of meetings o purpose of meetings o challenges of each group NB: If you are a schoolteacher, simply give the context (grade level and/or subject matter you teach as well as age of students). • What are the group members’ expectations regarding the work you are doing with them? • How will the addition of brain-based movements be perceived by your group members? Your employer? • What are your goals/objectives regarding taking the program Braingym Plus? Is there anything more you would like to share?